Color Code – Condition Black
The ‘line in the sand’ that was established while in Condition Red, has been
crossed. Imminently, you or a loved one is going to be attacked. At this
point, there are many factors that will determine whether the attack is
survivable or not. The mind will need to be in enough control to execute
any skills that you have acquired, the ability to put the plan into action and
to make fast adjustments to the plan when needed. Fear will play a major
part in wreaking havoc on your fine motor skills and the ability to think
through, and make adjustments to, your plan.
Let’s recognize that there will be some physiological changes that will take
place when fighting for your life. These physically manifested changes are
also known as the Fight or Flight response. Another “F” needs to be added
the Fight or Flight phrase. In many instances, the response by those
subjected to a high level of stress is to freeze. When a fight-for-life has
been felt, heard or seen, the result in the body, in varying degrees, is the
heart beats faster, blood pressure goes up, breathing rate increases,
hearing loss and tunnel vision. Your body can shake uncontrollably. It is
the chemistry of fear and it cannot be entirely avoided but with enough
training it can be minimized. Training that introduces these stressors can
help minimize the chemistry of fear. It’s called stress inoculation and it’s
worthy of a future article.
Understanding of what your body will be going through is important, not
only during the fight, but how you train now.
Having a clear-cut plan and executing that plan with 100% of your will and
energy will help mitigate the effects of fear. Be resolute in your refusal to
be a victim.
Study of the OODA loop is valuable to being in Condition Black. Find it
Though this completes the Color Codes, next week will be a complete
script of how to teach it to others. Remember, it is more important and
easier to be a ‘Black belt’ in the Color Code than to be an actual black belt
or armed with a weapon. If you do not realize that an attack is about to
happen, these things will not be able to implemented until it’s too late,
leaving survival unlikely.